Saturday, October 25, 2008

Authentication in Progress!

We just received our first authenticated documents back from the Oregon Secretary of State. It only took them a few days and the docs were back in our hot little hands. We also just got news that USCIS received our I600 A and that we'll be notified of our finger printing date within the next few days. We're movin'!!


LisaB said...

Looks like our journeys are on a similar path right now! My homestudy is in review at WACAP right now and I am scheduled to fingerprint on Wednesday! It's amazing how this whole experience can be so exhilirating, frustrating, anxiety inducing, refreshing...etc.....etc....etc...all at the same time! I am excited to follow along as you travel the road to Ethiopia! Maybe we can get there together! :)

veggiemom said...

Congrats on progress with your dossier and with your blog. I look forward to following your journey.

Mary said...

Congratulations!!! I'll keep reading and talking to Grandma Colleen-) I'm just THRILLED for you two!!

soon to be mama to Emme from China!!!